From the course: Salesforce for Admins

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Standard and custom fields

Standard and custom fields - Salesforce Tutorial

From the course: Salesforce for Admins

Standard and custom fields

- [Instructor] Salesforce's data is organized just like an Excel sheet, and each line of information is called a record, where the data is stored. As an administrator, understanding how fields are recorded helps you troubleshoot issues and define inputs correctly. All fields will have an established field level security that you can grant edit access for, depending on the profile. There are two different types of field, standard and custom. The standard fields are fields that are predefined by Salesforce. For example, by default, one of the fields on the Contact object may include an email field. These fields cannot be deleted, but can be customized. Custom fields are fields that you would create. For example, your organization may consider creating a color field for their contacts. Custom fields can be deleted and can be added to both standard and custom objects. Leverage standard fields as much as you can, but your…
