From the course: SAP Accounts Payable Boot Camp

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Clear and match open items

Clear and match open items - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: SAP Accounts Payable Boot Camp

Clear and match open items

- [Instructor] So now that you have learned how to process a manual payments and clear, now we'll match an open item to a payment. I want to show you now how to clear and match open items that do not need to be paid. The transaction code here is F-44, Clear Vendor Open Items. So the scenario here is, we have two vendor open items, but no payment is required. But we want to keep the vendor open items statement easy to manage, and not have these items clutter up the payment screen whenever you're now matching payments in future. So in this case, we've got an invoice that was processed, but after a dispute with a vendor, the invoice was canceled or reversed. So no payment is needed, and no journal needs to be posted. But we want to match these open items to clear them off. So for this, we'll use the vendor 3511, and company code 3000. So let's jump into that SAP demonstration. So first, let's display the vendor line items so you can see which items that we want to match and clear. So…
