From the course: SAP Accounts Payable Boot Camp

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Display account balance and line items

Display account balance and line items - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: SAP Accounts Payable Boot Camp

Display account balance and line items

how to enter different kinds of invoices and payments, let's now look at basic reporting. For the reporting section, we are going to look at displaying the vendor account balance using FK10N and then how to drill down and display line items using FBL1N. So, the business scenario here is you want to display a summary vendor account balance with this vendor, the PA Electronics vendor, 3511, company code 3000, fiscal year 2017, and then we'll also run this wide open for multiple vendors so you can see what it looks like. Okay, let's jump into the SAP demonstration. So, this AP menu is going to be under Accounting, Financial Accounting, and it's going to be under the Accounts Payable section. And we have currently looked at the Document Entry section and for the reporting side we're going to look under the Account side and there's your Display Balance and Display Line Items. So, we're going to start with the Display Balance, the FK10N and then (mumbles) drill down. So, for the account…
