From the course: SAP Accounts Payable Boot Camp

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Entering parameters

Entering parameters

- [Instructor] So this transaction's under Accounting, Financial Accounting, Accounts Payable, but rather than under the document entry or document sections, that's really going to be under Periodic Processing. Now under Periodic Processing, here you'll find the F110 Payment transaction. This does not have to be done at the end of the period, but can be done weekly or as frequently as required. So the Run Date here is for us to identify when we created the payment run, in this case the second of February, and the identification here is any key or code that'll help you find the payment run later. The tale is run from left to right, and the first one you need to fill out is the Parameter screen. Here we have the Pursing Date. This is the date in which we are actually going to post the payment, and we'll make it the 5th of February. And Documents entered up to, I'm going to make this the 2nd of Feb now, and then explain to you why I did that, and then how we can change that. Company Code…
