From the course: SAP Accounts Payable Boot Camp

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Transaction scenario: Review and execution

Transaction scenario: Review and execution - SAP ERP Tutorial

From the course: SAP Accounts Payable Boot Camp

Transaction scenario: Review and execution

- [Instructor] Right, so now that you've learnt how to create a proposal for payment run and the payment run itself, let's have a look at how you can finally execute and then review the results of the payment run when you've actually posted it. Again, it's the same transaction code, F110, and the scenario here is the proposal has already been created and you can now review and process the payments. So just remember that the proposal and payment run steps should not be performed by the same person for segregation of duties Financial Controls. Best practice is to separate these two job roles through SAP security, so one person is doing the proposal and a separate person is reviewing and doing the payment. This is the best practice that I would recommend. So we're going to view the same proposal, payment run, that we previously created and then conclude the final steps of executing the payment.
