From the course: Scaling Your Small Business

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Find your champions

Find your champions

- One of the surest ways to scale your business is to find those ideal customers who love you and find ways to do more with them and find more of them. These are what I call your champions. And almost every business has them. It might be 10% or 20% of the business. But those are the people who go out there and talk about them and evangelize and share. Those are the folks that you really want to understand and cater to. Now, you've created an ideal client profile. Those are the folks that you want to start now thinking, how can I do more with them? You might think about bringing a few of those in and creating an advisory panel of those. You want to recruit these evangelists and get them talking about you. You want to give them reasons to. In many cases, they're already doing it, so how can you amplify that? You want to think about creating special access for them, or even just recognition for them. You want to think about building offerings with them. A great deal of the way that you…
