From the course: Scaling Your Small Business

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Planning less

Planning less

- When it comes to scaling your business, it can feel like there are a lot of things coming at you at once. There's a lot of priorities and things that you want to do. The fact is, things are changing much more rapidly. But the reality is, in order to scale your business effectively, you need to think about doing fewer things and doing them better. Each quarter you should gather your core team together and define no more than three or four key priorities. These are things that you absolutely are committed to doing, everybody's involved, everybody knows why, and everybody knows they're a priority. Bring your team together, either online or together, use the white board, use sticky notes. Everybody gets to vote, everybody gets to give input, brainstorm. But in the end, you're going to come away with no more than three or four core priority ideas for that quarter. Now, there may be multiple projects attached to each of those ideas, and each team member may take away a piece of that, but…
