From the course: SEO Foundations

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How SEO affects your business

How SEO affects your business - Google Analytics Tutorial

From the course: SEO Foundations

How SEO affects your business

- If you are a business, there are some very real and specific benefits to having a consistent, ongoing search engine optimization strategy. For the first time in the history of marketing, users are offering up their actual intent through the words that they type and speak into search engines. And, this can be a wonderful opportunity, but while search engines don't charge you for listing your content organically, planning and implementing an SEO strategy in your organization is definitely not free. You'll need to spend time and likely money as well as put in place the resources to do this the right way. When done well, SEO can help you reach a tremendously large audience, attract more targeted visitors, and measure the impact of your efforts. We call the motivation behind a given search intent. What people search for and the words they choose when making their query says a lot about what actions they want to take…
