From the course: SEO Foundations

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Measuring SEO performance

Measuring SEO performance - Google Analytics Tutorial

From the course: SEO Foundations

Measuring SEO performance

- One of the most important aspects of SEO is analyzing where your efforts are paying off and where there's room for improvement. Good SEO measurement and analysis is an ongoing process requiring a holistic approach to evaluating business outcomes and making adjustments all based on the data. If you've never paid attention to measuring SEO before there are some things that you'll need to have checked off your list. First, you need to make sure that you have a web analytics solution installed and properly configured, something like Google analytics, Adobe analytics, or a handful of others will do the job. And, you'll want to make sure that your tool is configured properly. Remember, there are lots of additional settings and features that you should be using that allow you to track the things that really matter to your organization. At a minimum, you'll need to set up tracking for your specific goals and business…
