From the course: SEO Foundations

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Optimizing site structure

Optimizing site structure - Google Analytics Tutorial

From the course: SEO Foundations

Optimizing site structure

- As you focus on more and more keywords, you'll be developing more content and you'll start to have a lot of pages to hold this content. It's important to structure all of these pages in a meaningful way. Because in order for search engines to return your pages to searchers in response to relevant search queries, they need to understand how your pages relate to one another. Imagine that you're visiting a bookstore for the very first time. You're looking for a fiction book written by an author whose name starts with the letter J. Since it's your first visit, you don't know where anything is, and you'll have to figure out the layout of this place. Fortunately, there's some really good navigation to help you out. First, you look up at the signs and find where the fiction section is located. Once you get there, you look at the labels on the shelves and figure out where fiction books written by authors whose names start…
