From the course: SEO Foundations

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Using your SEO foundational knowledge

Using your SEO foundational knowledge - Google Analytics Tutorial

From the course: SEO Foundations

Using your SEO foundational knowledge

- Hopefully by now, you're feeling comfortable with the basics of search engine optimization. You've probably also seen the rabbit hole that is SEO and you may have been left wanting for more. If that's the case, you can certainly dive deeper into any of the topics we've covered or learn more about topics we haven't. First, there are quite a few courses right here in the library that provide more information about things like local SEO, SEO for e-commerce, international SEO, link building, and more. And don't forget the courses around analytics that can help you take your SEO measurement to the next level. There are also quite a few online resources that are really useful in keeping up with SEO trends and best practices. Subscribing to sites like Search Engine Journal and Search Engine Land or checking out the blogs from the SEO tools that we've seen throughout the course are all great places to start. And it's worth…
