From the course: Setting Up Your Podcast for Long-Term Success

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How this course works

- Each podcast has a slightly different production process, but there are general phases every podcast has to go through. And in this course, each chapter is broken up by phase so you can really zero in on one before moving on to the next. The first chapter is all about content planning. We'll talk about how to effectively capture ideas, batch your content and stay consistent. We'll also cover some helpful tools. The next chapter will cover working with guests, arguably one of the most time-consuming parts of podcasting. We'll talk about outreach and research and we'll even go through a process for automating the booking process. Then we'll cover the recording and post-production sides of the house. Everything from getting the best possible audio for you and your guest to editing tricks to make the editing process go faster and keeping track of the status of all of your episodes. Finally, we'll look at a case study, my…
