From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

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How to develop control plans

How to develop control plans

From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

How to develop control plans

- Imagine driving a car on the highway without knowing what the speed limit is or worse yet, driving a car with no speedometer. In either case, you will be clueless as to when to speed up and when to slow down. Hopefully, the drivers of your improved process have the ability to control their process speed. That's why the control plan is so important. The control plan is the key output of any Six Sigma project. The control plan provides process owners and operators with the means to control the process so that it performs well day in and day out. Let's start by focusing on developing a control plan. Here's an example of a pizza restaurant that has a crust problem. Some are burnt and others are underdone. A Six Sigma project team determined through DOE that to get the perfect crust, the oven temperature should be 425 degrees Fahrenheit and the baking time 11.2 minutes. Here's a partial example of a control plan for ensuring…
