From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

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How to use failure modes and effects analysis

How to use failure modes and effects analysis

From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

How to use failure modes and effects analysis

- Most of us have rented cars while on vacation or on a business trip. Sometimes your best-laid plans go wrong. You get to the counter and they cannot find your reservation. Or worse yet, there are no more cars available which is exactly what you don't want to see happen with your improved process. Now that your project team has developed a solution to improve why, you want to mitigate any risk of potential failures. An effective tool for this is the FMEA or failure modes and effects analysis. I introduce and discuss the FMEA in Six Sigma fundamentals. If you've not seen the FMEA video, or if you need a refresher, please review that first. In this video, let's discuss how to develop a process FMEA. Here is a blank template. To illustrate how to avoid any potential failures in your improved process, I'll use the rental car example. Starting with the first column, let's all process steps of interest on FMEA worksheet.…
