From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

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Introduction to design for Six Sigma

Introduction to design for Six Sigma

From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

Introduction to design for Six Sigma

- [Instructor] Do you remember those days when refueling a rental car at a gas station was always a guessing game? You had no clue as to which side of the car the fuel cap is located. Well these days, most cars have an arrow on the fuel gauge telling you which side the fuel cap is on. By design, there is no more doubt. Having a design that takes care of customer needs is what Design for Six Sigma is all about. Design for Six Sigma, or DFSS, is a systematic methodology for the design or redesign of products, processes, and services. The goal is to ensure that the design meets or exceeds customer expectations and key requirements. Let's talk about some characteristics of DFSS. First, quality is designed in, instead of inspected in. Next, customer expectations and key requirements are prioritized and incorporated into the design from the start. In DFSS, requirements flow down and show us there is a link between customer…
