From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

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Measurement system analysis (MSA)

Measurement system analysis (MSA)

From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

Measurement system analysis (MSA)

- [Narrator] Let's say a customer calls customer service with a complaint. John, the customer service rep talks to the customer and classifies the complaint as Reason Code A and if a same customer calls again the next day and John classifies the complaint as Reason Code C we say we have a Repeatability Problem. There is lack of agreement within the same appraiser. Then what if a same customer calls again with the same issue, but this time, Mary picks up the call and she classifies it as Reason Code B. We call this a Reproducibility Problem. There is lack of agreement between the different appraisers. But who's correct? What if you compared their classifications with the experts. We call this measure Appraiser agreement with the expert. To solve this problem, we need a valid Measurement System. A Measurement System is the entire system used for measuring data. This includes sensors, instruments, gauges, procedures and human…
