From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

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Project identification

Project identification

- When people want to lose weight, they go on a program of diet and exercise. Or when you want to compete in the next triathlon, you want to train hard in swimming, biking, and running. No matter what the goal, you need the right methodology to achieve it. People do this by identifying and selecting the most appropriate plan, using the best approach, tools, and techniques to ensure success. The same is true in business. Companies have goals. But how should these goals be achieved? Through planned efforts called projects. Projects are very focused, planned efforts that achieve stated goals. And to be successful, the correct methodology must be used. So what are the various types of projects? The first are implementation projects, which are used when the solution is obvious and all that's required is execution. For instance, when installing an IT system, replacing old equipment or adding an additional production…
