From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

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Statistical process control charts

Statistical process control charts

From the course: Six Sigma: Green Belt

Statistical process control charts

- Even if improvements are made during the improve phase of your Six Sigma project, what good are they if performance level is not sustained? Controlling an improved process is key. Control means acting on information regarding the process. For example, if oven temperature is too hot, we should not just enjoy the view, but we should take action to bring the temperature down to its target level. Statistical process control or SPC charts are how operators and process owners can control the process by indicating when to intervene and take action or when to leave the process alone. The focus of SPC is on process variation. Process variation has two categories, random and non-random. Random variation is due to chance or common causes. Such variation is systemic, chronic, or common to the process. Any pattern of variation is within the limits of a routine process. For example, variation might be due to poor work section…
