From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

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Eight types of waste identified in Lean

Eight types of waste identified in Lean

From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

Eight types of waste identified in Lean

- There is no one way to do Lean, but every Lean strategy is focused on eliminating wasteful things. Think about preparing dinner, through the lens of Lean. When you prepare a meal for your family, you start by thinking of how much you will eat to determine how much food to prepare. This is just in time and the voice of the customer. Then you can start looking at data. This is where Six Sigma begins to overlap and compliment Lean. How many days did I have excess food after a meal? Is there more excess food on Fridays or Saturdays? Is there more or less excess when my kids have sports? Value-Added Time is anything the customer is willing to pay for, such as "what I want to eat?" and "how much I want to eat when I'm making dinner?" Non-Value Added Time is anything that does not add form, feature, or function, which the customer does not want to pay for. Lean focuses on eight main types of waste. We use the acronym…
