From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

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Lean Six Sigma phased approach: Improve

Lean Six Sigma phased approach: Improve

From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

Lean Six Sigma phased approach: Improve

- In the improved phase, I now look at the analysis I did and make improvements based on the data I analyzed. If you think about improve, this phase should be easy as long as you did a good analysis. That's because the analyze phase should have shown you trends and gaps. You can now orient those trends and gaps and figure out how to change your process to make it better. That's what we do in the improve phase. The generation of solutions occurs during this improve phase. The solutions should be based on root causes and data driven analysis while implementing effective measures. All different potential solutions are evaluated through data-driven exercises so that assumptions are mitigated. Error proofing exercises are put in place so accidents are eliminated. The best solutions should be selected based on criteria developed by the business, feasibility of the solutions, and ease of implementation. Risks should be…
