From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

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The House of Lean

The House of Lean

- The house of lean is a useful tool that can help you understand the order in which lean should be implemented. A house is used because it illustrates how to build a structure that will support itself. The foundation comes first and the walls must be built before the roof can be put on. At the foundation of the house comes the creation of stable processes and an organized work environment. The two pillars focus on making what the customer expects reliably and consistently while also ensuring defects aren't passed on across processes. In the middle of the house is the creation of empowered teams. The roof represents the outcomes of these tools through improved delivery, quality, lead times, and profitability. Some of the terms I describe will be familiar to you, we've covered them in previous videos. Some of the terms are new, I won't cover them all in detail here but I wanted to give you a sense of where they fit in…
