From the course: SketchUp: Shadow Studies


- [Instructor] World-famous architect Louis Kahn once said, quote, "A room is not a room "without natural light," end quote. I agree and I don't think it's possible to overestimate the importance of sunlight, both in terms of how we feel and how buildings perform in terms of energy. SketchUp has built-in shadow-casting features that work wonderfully for solar altitudes. We'll augment them using a more accurate online calculator to find solar azimuths on the solstices. In this course we'll put the altitudes and azimuths together and create a site-specific 3-D solar tool. Using an urban massing model, we'll then select a location for a hypothetical cafe based on our shadow study from a number of potential locations. We'll also use the solar tool we develop to design a custom sunshade. In addition, we'll visualize the movement of shadows on the chosen site using scenes and an exported animation. My name is Scott Onstott and I've created many courses on SketchUp in the past. I'm excited to get started with SketchUp: Shadow Studies. Let's dive in.
