From the course: Small Business Tips

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What kind of business can you start with $300?

What kind of business can you start with $300?

From the course: Small Business Tips

What kind of business can you start with $300?

(upbeat music) - Hi, this is Oliver from Piston, Australia, and I've been listening to the show for a little while now, and I don't have a side hustle yet, but I'm wondering what the possibilities might be for my situation. I don't have a lot of disposable income right now. So I always like hearing stories with low startup costs. I could probably spend about 300 to $500, but no more. What's the best business or side hustle for me to pursue. - I'm so glad to get this question. It's a question that I often hear variations of and it reflects a bit of problematic thinking. Okay, and I mean that in the best of ways, because as I said, it's common. A lot of people think this way, if you have ever thought, oh, I have a certain amount of money, what could I do with it? This question is for you. Starting a business is not like going on a vacation where you think about, okay, here's my available budget therefore what can I do if…
