From the course: Social Media for Video Pros

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Consumption of video online

Consumption of video online

- Even though I just got done telling you that mobile is where it's at, we are seeing a rise in traditional screens as well. More and more people are consuming online video through their televisions. That's because we're seeing great connected experiences from different manufacturers, such as Amazon's devices and Apples, as well as the fact that more and more people are building in internet connectivity right into these large screens. So whether you're plugging in a device, buying a new Blu-ray player that also happens to stream Netflix or other streaming platforms, we're seeing that lots of people can get video on demand. This is changing things for the better. Now, these new platforms are incredibly influential. For example, the rise and the release of Disney Plus with all of the brands in it was quite impressive, but we're also seeing that people can make their own apps available for streaming on television or get their…
