From the course: Social Media Marketing: ROI

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Measuring word-of-mouth coefficient and dark social

Measuring word-of-mouth coefficient and dark social

From the course: Social Media Marketing: ROI

Measuring word-of-mouth coefficient and dark social

- It's easy to see how much traffic is coming from Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn but not every social network shows up in your analytics. As much as 60% of your traffic might come from what's called dark social channel, like WhatsApp, email or SMS. They don't share referrer information. So they show up as direct slash non in Google analytics. The term dark social was coined by Alexis Madrigal at the Atlantic where he found the majority of Atlantic social traffic actually came from dark social. So if we go to the article we can see that 56.5% of their traffic was dark social which is two and a half times the traffic of Facebook. Word of mouth coefficient is a metric that I helped come up with which really helps you measure this phenomenon on your business. It even helps you predict the future impact on your business of dark social. So I worked on an article alongside Yusef and Phil my collaborators for Reforge which…
