From the course: Social Media Marketing: ROI

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Tools and tactics for automating social media campaigns

Tools and tactics for automating social media campaigns

From the course: Social Media Marketing: ROI

Tools and tactics for automating social media campaigns

- [Instructor] Social media campaigns can be quite time-intensive. So if you want to generate a high ROI, it's really key to invest in automation tools. Let's take a look at some of the tasks that can be automated by popular tools. So the first thing that every social media manager looks at is, how do I schedule my posts? And the tool that I've always used as Buffer, although there are alternatives like Hootsuite. The way that Buffer works is you connect your social account. So I've connected my Twitter account here and then you can just add your tweets in here rather than posting them directly through Twitter. So I'm just going to put some test language here, test one, I'm going to add another one to the Q test two, you can also add photos or whatever it is you need, you can go back and edit or delete them as well. So what it's done is it's added them to today and if I add a test three and then test four it's going to…
