From the course: Social Media Marketing Strategy: TikTok and Instagram Reels

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Understanding the TikTok algorithm

Understanding the TikTok algorithm

- Let's talk about the TikTok algorithm and how you can leverage it to grow your brand. The TikTok algorithm works, so that if a video sees high user engagement among a small subset of users, then it will gradually be circulated to more and more users on the platform. - They're always going to send it out to a handful of people. If that does well, then they're going to send it out to more people who look like those people. And it's going to go up in the first like 300 to a thousand tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions. And that's kind of how it works. And you can see that happening live with your videos. And so that's why you'll see it go up in views and like stops, and then it'll go up the next day and stops. And you're like... You see, you are actually watching the algorithm work, and you have to be patient. - The TikTok algorithm is unique because the main page, the, for you page, isn't actually…
