From the course: Social Media Video for Business and Marketing

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Teach with efficiency and engagement with a how-to video

Teach with efficiency and engagement with a how-to video

From the course: Social Media Video for Business and Marketing

Teach with efficiency and engagement with a how-to video

- Odds are if you've had a question or problem in the last month, you've looked up a solution on Google or YouTube and you probably did it on your phone. Google's research shows that 91% of smartphone owners use their devices for ideas while completing a task. Because of this, how-to videos not only do very well in passive search environments like when they pop up organically in your social media newsfeed, but they're also great performers in active search environments like when people specifically hunt them down via a search engine. How-to videos can live in multiple places within the marketing funnel, but they're often most successful in consideration to pique your audience's interest, and in retention, to satisfy your existing audience with additional education. There are many types of how-to videos including live demonstrations, instructional videos and tutorials. No matter the format, aim for your how-to videos to be a clear, simple step-by-step explanation of a task from…
