From the course: Software Is Eating Your Car

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Expected advancement in infrastructure

Expected advancement in infrastructure

From the course: Software Is Eating Your Car

Expected advancement in infrastructure

- How will this sit alongside current infrastructure? How will our towns and cities need to change? - Another unexplored space. I would say there are a lot of very controversial studies that we see. Same, for example, for mobility. We saw that going to shared mobility can have potentially very positive effects, but can also have negative effects. And if you look at the net-net, actually maybe traffic is not improving in cities because it might even turn some people to shift from basically metro, bus, and other kinds of approaches over to shared vehicles. So suddenly you have more vehicles on the road, whereas all the ones that already have individual vehicles might continue to do so. So you're more stuck in traffic than ever before, despite having shared vehicles. Now a similar thing may well happen on some of the other expectations. Like there's a hope that we can get rid of parking spaces in cities, which is a huge…
