From the course: Software Is Eating Your Car

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Is this the end of car ownership?

Is this the end of car ownership?

From the course: Software Is Eating Your Car

Is this the end of car ownership?

- [Interviewer 1] Is this the end of car ownership? 'Cause it just sounds to me like a kind of Uber, but with AI drivers would work. - [Alex] I think we've seen some interesting waves over the past 10 years on this. First of all, there was a huge expectation that we'd have autonomous driving cars 10 years ago. That turned out to be not quite right. Then, we went into a period of everything is turning shared mobility, and we will all leave our cars, and young people don't want to own cars anymore, it's all going to be rented. And so everybody was talking about that and it's all going to happen in the next five years. Now again, we look at the numbers, it hasn't turned out that way. Most of those companies have somehow go bankrupt. Corona hasn't helped. It has actually further amplified individuality and people wanting to sit in their own little cubicles, so to say. And I think if we look forward, our expectation at…
