From the course: Startup Stories: Teacher Earns $8,000 Selling Curriculum

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Keys for success

Keys for success

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] All right, so if we think about Erin's story, what can we take away from it? All right, how can we apply this in different ways? Well, I guess first of all, if you are a teacher, do you have something listed on or any similar platform? If you know a teacher, maybe tell them about this course, say, "Hey, I heard this interesting story, maybe you should check it out, see what you can do for yourself." But as mentioned, what I think is so interesting about case studies like these, is there's something that we can take away from it and say, "I might be able to apply this in some other way." Okay, so it's pretty cool that there are digital resources, such as curriculum that are available for sale. What else is available for sale? And what else can I make available for sale? So if you are an artist, check out the platform, If you can tutor in any…
