From the course: Success Habits

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Delayed gratification

Delayed gratification

- One of the dilemmas of time management is how much time to spend on having fun in the present and how much time to spend on planning for the future, even though, you might not feel like doing that right now. With happiness, this is a tricky dilemma, since getting the balance wrong either way is going to reduce your overall happiness. You might have too much fun now and then a future you didn't want. Or you might live too much for the future and forget to ever have any fun in the now. But with success, it's pretty clear that you need to do more future planning than you would ideally feel like doing. Successful people call it delayed gratification. Or the ability to put off something mildly fun or pleasurable now in order to gain something that is more fun, pleasurable or rewarding later. For example, you could watch TV now instead of studying. It'll certainly be easier and more fun. Or you could practice delayed gratification and study for that exam. So there's a need for the…
