From the course: Success Habits

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Success and money

Success and money

- I want to explore the link between success and money. We tend to assume that success leads to money and also that if someone is making money, that means they are successful. But I'm not sure about any of that. I think there are two types of success, outer and inner. There's being successful to the outside world, which usually means money, fame, or power. And there's being successful on your own terms, achieving what you want to achieve, using your skills to the best of your ability, and doing something that you feel is worthwhile. And it's clearly possible to do both, to be successful on your own terms and in public terms. But is it possible to be successful in public terms, but to still not feel successful on your own terms? I think so, definitely. You might feel unsatisfied by that public success and feel that you still haven't proved yourself, and you know you're capable of more. I suspect that many senior managers in companies, and politicians too, feel that they've achieved…
