From the course: Supercharge Your Productivity with ChatGPT Plugins


- [Narrator] Canva is a web-based service for creating all kinds of designs and content. With a Canva account, you can create presentations, posters, brochures, resumes, and a lot more. And in general, Canva is pretty easy to use. You just select the type of project you want to create, and then you can choose from a wide selection of templates and then add your words and images to the template. But it can be a bit overwhelming to hunt through dozens and dozens of templates and come up with the content to add to them. Fortunately, with the Canva plugin, ChatGPT can assist you in brainstorming ideas and selecting templates, letting you choose or modify the ones you like. And then with a click, you can pop directly into Canva equipped with the ideas you generated in ChatGPT. So back here in ChatGPT, I have the Canva plugin installed and enabled in the plugin menu. And again, one of the great things about this is as long as it's enabled, you don't have to specifically ask ChatGPT to use the Canva plugin. You just have to write a proper request in something for which Canva would be a good tool to use. So I might type something like, "Help me create an infographic to inform employees about the risks of prolonged sitting and offering the best practices to mitigate those risks." I'll enter that. And now we can see that ChatGPT is using the Canva plugin. And after a few seconds, it gives me some Canva templates that it thinks might be useful for this project. If I scroll back up, I can see them. And it tells me here at the bottom, I can click on any of the links to start creating my infographic. But I don't want to do that yet because I don't have any content yet to put in the infographic. But maybe while I'm looking through these templates, maybe I like the look of this template and I can see that it has around seven areas for custom text in it. So maybe I'll type the prompt, "I'd like to use template number one, give me suggestions on how to fill it out." And now I get all this great information I can use divided into sections that I can adapt or excerpt from as needed. Notice it also gives me suggestions for images I can be using and color schemes. So for example, maybe I'll copy this title that it generated, and then I'll scroll back up to that template I want to use. And here I can click on that link, which pops me back into Canva. So maybe I'll zoom in a bit here. And I'll just paste in that text. And then I could continue going back and forth copying the text from ChatGPT and modifying it to work in this template. So this was just a very quick example of how I could use the Canva plugin, but you can probably see that there are so many possibilities. Like we'll see with most of these plugins, they allow you to turn ChatGPT into a very specific type of assistant that can help you brainstorm ideas to use with a very specific tool or service.
