From the course: Supply Chain and Operations Careers: Certification Tips and Tricks

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Overview of Six Sigma credentials

Overview of Six Sigma credentials

Six Sigma is a process improvement methodology that became popular in the '80s and '90s. These days, it's a standard part of supply chain management. The idea behind Six Sigma is to reduce variation in processes and create a consistent level of quality for everything a company makes. But to get there, you need to adopt a certain way of thinking, and you need to be comfortable using a bunch of different problem-solving tools. The challenge with Six Sigma certifications is that there are a lot of different organizations that grant them, and they're all slightly different. You can take Six Sigma courses here on LinkedIn Learning and get a certificate of completion, but that's not the same as being Six Sigma-certified. Two of the well-known certification organizations are the American Society for Quality and the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers. Also, there are many universities and even companies that grant Six Sigma credentials. I should also mention, there's been a trend…
