From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Supplier Development and Diversity

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Develop a supplier cross-enterprise operational maturity strategy

Develop a supplier cross-enterprise operational maturity strategy

From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Supplier Development and Diversity

Develop a supplier cross-enterprise operational maturity strategy

- I love the saying a rising tide lifts all boats. The phrase coined by President John F. Kennedy means that if the economy improves, everyone will benefit from it. And that's exactly what a cross enterprise operational maturity assessment does. I created this assessment as a qualitative benchmarking tool which compares a supplier's relative maturity to the customer's best practices. It either confirms or defines a path for a supplier to improve its maturity across all product lines. Therefore, everyone benefits. While the outcome of the assessment is crucial, the most important is how it's approached. Let's go through the steps. Step one, the customer completes an online survey and defines its desired supplier maturity within 12 operational areas and their sub areas. For example, the high maturity level is financial management, and one of its sub areas is financial and material control. During this stage, the…
