From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Supplier Development and Diversity

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Develop a supplier-unique supply chain strategy

Develop a supplier-unique supply chain strategy

- If you can't measure it, you can't manage it. So let's talk about unique supply chain strategy. This is a quantitative benchmarking tool that compares a supplier's level of performance to its performance gap. I find that the best way to understand it is by walking through the high level steps of developing one, utilizing the supply chain operations reference model. The model is based on six supply chain processes, plan, source, make, delivery, return, enabled. The model shows that suppliers also have supply chains. So it's important for suppliers to manage their supply chain while meeting the customer's requirements. The first steps in the score model is to determine the types of supply chains and the geographic channels of these supply chains. Once those steps have been determined, the supplier assigns and determines the appropriate supplier performance attributes and their sub areas. They are reliability…
