From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Supplier Development and Diversity

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Develop a workforce training strategy

Develop a workforce training strategy

- The National Association of Manufacturers say, that over 2.1 million jobs in manufacturing could go unfulfilled by 2030, in part due to the lack of industry 4.0 skilled workers. Man-in-machine interface and rapid acceleration of data in always-owned connected supply chains is a game changer for all manufacturing operations, and workforce alignment. With such integration of technology, many are asking, will it create or destroy jobs? How would job profiles evolve? What types of skills would be in demand? Just as a supplier's digital transformation must be approached strategically, so must this strategy for acquiring talent. Guided by an assessment of a supplier's current workforce readiness to implement a transformation strategy, sources of workforce training such, as community colleges and special programs need to be identified and included in a supplier's strategy. As touted by Amit Sinha, in his digital supply…
