From the course: Supply Chain Foundations: Supplier Development and Diversity

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Develop an environmental strategy

Develop an environmental strategy

- While saving Mother Earth has always been a benevolent interest of many suppliers and their customers, new federal regulations enacted in 2022 make it a regulatory mandate. In March, 2022, the US Securities and Exchange Commission proposed new rules that would require large corporations to disclose their environmental, social and governance or ESG metrics. Environmental reporting requires suppliers and supply chains to report how they are reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This especially impacts suppliers. Since small and mid-sized manufacturers can make up to 80% or more of the value in large corporations' end-to-end supply chain. In order to differentiate their competitiveness suppliers should maintain and report the following environmental metrics to customers. Carbon emissions, air pollutant emissions, liquid waste generated, solid waste generated and percent of recycled waste. Now let's widen the scope. When the…
