From the course: Switching Your Career

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Types of career switches

Types of career switches

- This year more than half the working population is planning to look for a new job. And many will be looking to make a complete career switch. Switching careers means you'll be straying from a traditional path of finding a new job within your current industry and function and instead pursuing a role in a different industry or function, or both. As you get started it's important to know not all careers switches are created equally. While an increasing number of professionals are interested in making a major change, you need to know hiring practices haven't fully caught up. So you'll face skepticism from hiring managers who'll be scanning for applicants with the expected, AKA traditional, background. As a switcher your career history will be unusual. But we're going to create a job search strategy that convinces hiring managers to roll the dice on you. And honestly, planning your strategy will be the most important part of your career switch. So if you're the type to skip the…
