From the course: Talent Sourcing

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Using LinkedIn to find candidates

Using LinkedIn to find candidates

From the course: Talent Sourcing

Using LinkedIn to find candidates

- LinkedIn now has over 830 million members with over 58 million registered companies. More than 40% of members are monthly active users. LinkedIn has the largest professional network and you can use it to source the best talent. Before you search or reach out to potential candidates, you should think about your presence on the platform. Your profile should be a mini sales letter that entices candidates to reach out to you based on your success helping other candidates similar to them advance in their career. Make sure you have a strong profile. You should have a professional picture and a relevant headline and summary that contains keywords candidates are searching for. Also, have a custom user-friendly URL instead of the long one that is automatically generated. Encourage recommendations that highlight how you've helped others advance in their career. Stay engaged with your network. Share information, engaging and…
