From the course: Tech Career Skills: Moving from Developer to Engineering Manager

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Advocating for your direct reports

Advocating for your direct reports

- In management, one of the most impactful things you can do for the people you manage is to advocate for them. Advocacy for the members of your team could be around the conditions of their work, such as overtime, pay, or promotions. Or it may also center around better access to resources, access to information, or agency for your team to do great things. As a manager, you can think of advocating for your team as campaigning for them to get what they deserve but in the good way. In order to best advocate for your team members, you're going to need to clearly understand both their current status and performance in your company as well as your company's culture. We've already learned about the importance of taking good notes as a manager. These notes are going to help supply you with the information on your team members and on your team that you need to best advocate for them. But you're going to need more than just good…
