From the course: Test Automation with Python: 7 Mobile Automation with Appium

Introducing the test app

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Welcome to the first unit in the module on native mobile app automation using Appium. Before we dive into the specifics of using Appium, I want to briefly demonstrate the test application that we'll be using for the purpose of demonstration throughout this course. Here I have an iOS simulator open on the left as well as an Android emulator open on the right. The test app we'll be using is one that I've developed called The App. Is designed with much the same purpose as our test website was. That one was called the internet. As you can see here, we have a cross platform application meaning it has been designed to run on both Android and iOS. It's basically a laundry list of different test components. Some views run on only one platform, for example, you can see that the Android version of the app has an option called Dual Webview Demo. This option is not available on iOS, but by and large the app works identically on both platforms. To show you just one view that will work with, I'll go ahead and click on Login screen. As you can see, it takes us to a login prompt where I can attempt to log in if I want, that's basically it for the app. This app is actually open source so you can see how it's developed. Oh, and you're going to want to make sure you have a copy of both the iOS and Android version of the app on your computer so that you can run through the various demos and code challenges with me. I've added versions of the app to the downloads for this course so make sure you get both the iOS and Android versions. You don't need to do anything specific with them now, just make sure you know where they are on your computer so you can copy them into the project directory once we started using them with the mobile specific examples and challenges. Let's learn how to automate apps like this on mobile platforms like iOS and Android.
