From the course: The Data Science of Healthcare, Medicine, and Public Health

Healthcare and data science

- [Barton] There's more to data science than categorizing spam emails. In fact, data science is an enormously powerful set of tools in the life and death matters of health and medicine. I'm Barton Poulson and in this course we'll take a non-technical, conceptually-oriented look at how data science can be effectively used in the field of healthcare, medicine, and public health. We'll explore the ways that the principles and practices of data science can be used to help healthcare professionals predict risks for illnesses and epidemics, take proactive and preventive measures, better understand the nature of illness, and develop exciting new ways to treat diseases. Data science can even help make healthcare more accessible and more affordable and give people a greater voice in their own wellbeing. We'll also talk about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the ways in which data is used in healthcare. I'll mention some of the important procedures that are used in data science but more importantly, we'll explore how those ideas are used in healthcare. Because this is a non-technical overview, anyone with an interest in healthcare, regardless of their technical background, can get important ideas and insights from this course. And so let's get started with the data science of healthcare, medicine, and public health.
