From the course: Top 10 Security Features to Enable within Microsoft 365

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Blocking legacy authentication

Blocking legacy authentication

- [Instructor] To give your users easy access to the cloud applications, as your active directory supports a broad variety of authentication protocols, including legacy authentication. However, legacy protocols don't support multifactor authentication. Multifactor authentication is in many environments, a common requirement to address identity theft. For MFA to be effective, you also need to block legacy authentication. This is because legacy authentication protocols such as POP, SMTP, IMAP and MAPI cannot enforce the multifactor authentication, making them preferred entry points for adversaries, trying to attack the organization. The numbers on legacy authentication from analysis of Azure active directory traffic are stark. More than 99% of password spray attacks used legacy authentication protocols. More than 97% of credential-stuffing attacks used legacy authentication. As you AD accounts in organizations that…
