From the course: Top 10 Security Features to Enable within Microsoft 365

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Controlling the flow of data

Controlling the flow of data

- [Instructor] Corporate data is the most critical asset organizations own. Sometimes if the data were to leave the organization, the repercussions could be significant. Data protection capabilities are often the first security controls to implement for both on-premises and within the cloud. Unfortunately, these controls often require more than simply enabling as they need to identify the organization specific content. Microsoft 365 is no different when it comes to data protection. By an organization choosing these services, the risk of data leaving the organization becomes significant. Understanding data protections is critical within any organization. The first is to know your data, so understand the data and identify the most critical content. Second is to protect the data, apply protection actions, including encryption, access restrictions, and visual markings. Third prevent data loss, so detect risky behaviors…
