From the course: Trello Essential Training

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The Trello Calendar Power-Up (with calendar integration)

The Trello Calendar Power-Up (with calendar integration) - Trello Tutorial

From the course: Trello Essential Training

The Trello Calendar Power-Up (with calendar integration)

- [Instructor] In my opinion, one of the most basic, but also useful Trello Power-Ups is the Calendar Power-Up. Due dates on Trello cards can be helpful, but wouldn't they be a lot more useful if you could visualize those dates on a calendar? Well, luckily, this is possible and more with Trello with a few caveats that I'm going to discuss in a minute. So right now, we are here in the Power-Ups window and you can see that I am already searching and filtering by calendar to see all of the various calendar options that we have either via Trello or via third parties and the default Calendar Power Up is called Calendar Power-Up, very simple. All we have to do is click the Add button and by the way, how I got here, if you don't remember, we go to Power-Ups. Once you have Power-Ups enabled, they will be listed here. We add Power-Ups. Once again, I'm going to do the search for calendar. Going to add the Calendar Power-Up and…
