From the course: Trello Essential Training

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Trello and GTD: Contexts, reflect, and engage

Trello and GTD: Contexts, reflect, and engage - Trello Tutorial

From the course: Trello Essential Training

Trello and GTD: Contexts, reflect, and engage

- [Presenter] In the previous two parts of this GTD with Trello tutorial, I demonstrated first how you can create all three of your basic foundational boards to use Trello with a GTD process with the Sunday board, the Projects board, and your active Getting Things Done board. And we talked about how to both capture your ideas and get them out of your mind onto the page, so to speak, and also how to clarify and organize. Now we're going to go through where you're going to reflect or review, and we are going to engage. And the most important part of this process to help you simplify it and make it even easier to understand what you need to get done next is using contexts. So what we're going to do is we're going to go through all of the tasks that we have on our Active Getting Things Done board because we've already gone through and processed all of our various tasks and projects that are not necessary to focus on…
