From the course: Using Data in Financial Analysis

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Benchmarking the competition

Benchmarking the competition

- [Lecturer] When it comes to gathering data for financial analysis projects, there's a variety of different options that are available. Let's take a look at what some of this data looks like and how we might be able to go through and get data for any financial analysis project that we're doing. I'm in the 02_04_Begin Excel file. Now what I've done is go through and gather data on different financial ratios for a variety of companies, and I did this on a quarter by quarter basis for all of the firms in the S&P 500. Now, what you'll see is I've gone through and I've kind of summarized this data using means and medians as you see here. So we'll see as an example, say, accounts receivable turns, we have the overall median across our data set of 60.90. We have cash conversion cycle, days payable outstanding, inventory turns, et cetera. This sort of thing is very useful from a benchmarking standpoint. If we want to understand how…
