From the course: UX DesignOps: Overview

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Design ops in an agile world

Design ops in an agile world

From the course: UX DesignOps: Overview

Design ops in an agile world

- [Instructor] As we begin to dig into what design ops does, we'll start with agile. This is where the idea of people, processes, and tools all combine. While some organizations have been doing agile for many, many years, some are just getting started trying to integrate the design team into that effort. Design ops can help establish how the UX team works with the scrum masters, when to add UX to rituals and meetings, and how to ensure UX documents and procedures are known to everyone, as well as where they live. This particular image is of a combo journey map/experience map. You're not actually supposed to read it, but it is an example of a real world deliverable at this level. What it represents is the current state overlaid with the future state of the buying process, added in with an experience map of what they're thinking, feeling, and doing. I can then better understand the areas of opportunity. We start working…
